Financial Services

Effectively Competing for Mortgage Customers in 2022 and Beyond

Despite huge investments in technology, most mortgage lenders have struggled to find the right balance in human and digital to effectively compete in the future.  Facing fierce competition, a rapidly increasing pace of change and shrinking margins, lenders can’t afford to guess about how to optimally deploy their resources. You need to know with confidence: 

  • What is the optimal mix of human and digital for your business model? 
  • What are table stakes in terms of digital engagement? 
  • What are the best practices to get the maximum impact out of the technology you have?

The world has changed in the past two years and future home buyers have a new set of expectations. J.D. Power’s 2021 Primary Mortgage Origination Study publishing on Tuesday, November 2nd takes a hard look at what matters most to today’s borrowers.

The J.D. Power Mortgage Origination Satisfaction Study investigates customer satisfaction with the origination experience among mortgage lenders in the United States. It equips mortgage lenders with actionable insights about reasons a customer chooses a lender, the influence of advertising and online research, increasing referrals, winning repeat business, and minimizing dissatisfaction.

We pinpoint the factors that matter most to mortgage borrowers. The study sets a quality benchmark for the industry, and provides a thorough understanding of the needs, expectations, and desires of today’s homeowners.

A study subscription provides access to the insights and tools needed to gain a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of how your firm may be performing and identifies key areas needing improvement. Subscribers gain access to results on November 2, 2021. Key findings and rankings will be released in a press release on November 11, 2021. Read the 2020 press release here

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