Optimizing Digital Strategies for the Modern Shopping Experience

1 min read
Sep 29, 2022 9:45:44 AM

Recent advances in technology have completely transformed the retail industry – from providing more product options and faster fulfillment, to enhancing the customer experience with targeted recommendations and promotions.

Smartphones and mobile content, in particular, have radically changed the modern shopping experience. Consumers instantly receive personalized offerings across their favorite apps and can easily make purchases with a simple swipe of their fingers.

This convenience and personalization means that smartphone users spend less time considering and researching products – leading to a higher rate of impulse purchases.

In fact, a recent Bankrate survey shows that nearly half (49%) of social media users said they’ve made an impulse purchase of a product they saw on a platform they use.

“Consumers ‘live’ on their phones and it is much easier to make impulse purchases in moments of relaxation,” said Christina Cooley, Director of Home and Retail Intelligence at J.D. Power.

In contrast, shoppers have reported that purchasing items on a laptop can feel like more work compared to their mobile experience. They are more likely to make major, complex purchases that require research, like appliances, electronics, or travel, on a laptop. According to the 2022 J.D. Power Appliance Satisfaction Study, more than half (59%) of all online appliance purchases are done through a laptop or desktop. In comparison, 35% of those purchases are made on a smartphone, and 7% on a tablet.


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Why This Matters To Retailers

Retailers without a strong mobile presence must invest resources to enhance the customer experience. With most Americans (85%) owning smartphones, mobile shopping is now an integral part of the retail landscape and cannot be overlooked.

However, focusing solely on mobile risks alienating consumers who prefer a laptop to make their final purchase.

Ultimately, delivering a seamless and delightful cross-channel experience is crucial to converting sales, growing brand loyalty, and achieving success.

To optimize their e-commerce strategies, retailers must evaluate, understand, and acknowledge consumer digital behavior and the online experience provided. They need to measure shopper engagement across all devices and adjust accordingly.

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