Global Business Insights

Modernizing Research Design: The Modular Approach for Utilities Studies

Written by Marketing Team | Dec 7, 2023 1:42:11 PM

Modernizing Research Design: The Modular Approach for Utilities Studies 

Over time, changes in technology, market conditions, and consumer behavior drive challenges with voice of the customer measurement.  Data collection, access to audiences, and operational logistics have evolved, and so must the measurement ecosystem. ​J.D. Power recognizes the need to proactively adapt, to ensure continued success for clients.​ As such, by 2025 all utilities studies will be transitioning to a modular methodology. 

What IS Modular Methodology?

Modular methodology deconstructs the traditional survey style of response collection. In simple terms, the modular approach takes the core of the traditional index and moves it to the front of the survey, capturing a short list of questions and overall satisfaction at the beginning of the survey in 10 minutes or less. After the core, there is a series of shorter survey blocks. This style gives us better access to sample and is a better user experience. All respondents must complete the core, and may opt out of additional modules. 

Why Switch?

There are many advantages to switching to modular methodology, including:

  • Increasing the value and amount of content
  • Improving the quality of the data
  • Improving the respondent experience 
  • Cross-industry comparisons possible 

Which Utilities Studies will this Affect and When?

All U.S. utilities studies will transition to the modular methodology over time.

The Water Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study has transitioned to the modular methodology for the 2024 study.

All other utilities studies will transition to modular in 2025. View study dates and details here >>

How will J.D. Power Keep Me Informed?

We understand you may have questions, and we are here to help. Our dedicated team of industry experts will be with you every step of the way as we modernize and improve our methodology. 

  • October 2023: Clients attended a special modular methodology presentation at the Utility Client Conference
  • November-December 2023: Modular transition discussions with clients continue as study results publish and client read-outs take place
  • Q1 2024: Utilities Intelligence leaders are available to walk you through the details of the tranisition; reach out to schedule a session
  • Q2 2024: Overview webinar with real-world data examples will be held; date and details to be announced 
  • Ongoing:
    • Practice leaders will be touching on the modular transition in wave results webinars and other client interactions 
    • Modular transition information will be included in many communications like the Utilities Insights Newsletter 
    • Utilities Intelligence leaders are available to walk you through the details of the tranisition; reach out to your account rep schedule a session or contact us here >>
    • We'll be sharing information about other modernization initiatives (such as the Poor-to-Perfect scale and router enhancements) in the coming weeks